8. Max Q – Rachel Jones

Our final episode this season features horn player Rachel Jones (BM ’18). Shortly after graduating from Peabody, Rachel joined the 229th Army Band Brass Quintet and has since expanded into working in Human Resources for the Guard. Outside of her work with the National Guard, she is an active freelancer on the East Coast and recently became a core member of the Maryland Winds.

We’re looking for interviewees for next season! If you are a recent Peabody alumni, or want to recommend we reach out to someone, please email us at LAUNCHPad@jhu.edu.

Recorded April 22, 2024.

Season 4 music by Soo Hyun Bahn. Audio editing by Greg Hays. Logo by MegDig Design.

5. Max Q – Sam Bessen

This episode of Max Q features Sam Bessen (MM ’17, Horn). Sam is the curator of the Levy Sheet Music Collection at the Johns Hopkins Sheridan Libraries as well as the Founder & Artistic Director of the In the Stacks Series, which hosts performances in the George Peabody Library. Speaking with Christina Manceor, the conversation explores how Sam found his way to his position as a curator, how to connect your passions to new career paths, and how to pivot and move past performance injuries.

Recorded Dec. 9, 2022

2022 Intro music by Aaron Gao. Audio editing by Greg Hays. Logo by MegDig Design.